
Hot Topic!
February 19, 2021

FTA News: Federal Mask Requirement for Transit

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a federal mask requirement for transit systems to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 based on President Joseph R. Biden’s Executive…
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February 2, 2021

Arizona and Maryland State Transportation Innovation Councils Demonstrate Success

State Transportation Innovation Councils (STIC) in Arizona and Maryland received 2020 STIC Excellence Awards for demonstrating success in fostering a strong culture of innovation in their…
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February 1, 2021

Requirement for Face Masks on Public Transportation Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs

Traveling on public transportation increases a person’s risk of getting and spreading COVID-19 by bringing people in close contact with others, often for prolonged periods, and exposing them to…
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January 25, 2021

President Biden Signs Executive Order Directing Mask Use on Transportation Modes

The presidential action follows an order signed during his first day in office requiring mask use on all federal property.
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January 22, 2021

Mountain Line Receives $5.5 Million Grant for Bike and Pedestrian Improvements

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) awarded Mountain Line $5.5 million to support the construction of bike and pedestrian infrastructure in association with transit stops.
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January 19, 2021

Transit Agencies Take up Fight Against Human Trafficking

The transit industry is working to combat the issue through awareness campaigns, employee training and community outreach and education efforts.
Trafficking photo