Become a Member
As an AzTA member you will be supporting activities to improve public transit.
Your membership will help:
- Develop programs to heighten public awareness on the improvement of public transit.
- Lobby the State for increased support for local public transportation projects, programs and services.
- Provide educational public transportation conferences, workshops and seminars for policy makers, transportation professionals, business and community leaders.
- Inform members with useful and relevant public transportation information through newsletters, bulletins, faxes and e-mail.
- Provide scholarship funding for local college students that are pursuing their education in a transit related field.
As an AzTA member, you can be more involved by:
- Attending conferences and events hosted by AzTA or its affiliates
- Participating on AzTA Committees and Task Forces
- Encouraging public transportation solutions in your own community through local grass roots advocacy
- Identifying new members to support the Association's mission.
Contact us to request a quote on membership for your organization!
Join AzTA
Join AzTA and you will be supporting activities to improve public transit.