Weekly Legislative Reports

To track AzTA’s involvement in the most recent legislative session, view our reports below.

April 4, 2019

AzTA Advocacy Report

Committee hearings on bills are nearly over for the 2019 session of the Arizona Legislature, with the Appropriations committees in both houses hearing full slates of bills this week, many of them “strike-everything” amendments designed to give a struggling issue a final shot at staying alive.

March 28, 2019

AzTA Advocacy Report

This week marked the end of the standard committee hearing process for the 2019 session of the Arizona Legislature, the final opportunity in those committees for bills to be heard (except for the Appropriations committees, which have an extra week). Things became more eventful when Rep. David Stringer (R-Prescott) resigned yesterday to avoid a continuing ethics investigation and possible expulsion.

March 21, 2019

AzTA Advocacy Report

The 2019 session of the Arizona Legislature is nearing the end of its standard committee hearing process, with next week being the final opportunity in those committees for bills to be heard (exceptions are the Appropriations committees, which have an extra week). The Legislature at this point remains “on-schedule” for a session that should last about 100 days (today is day 67).

March 14, 2019

AzTA Advocacy Report

This was a typical mid-session week at the Arizona Legislature, with most committees having full agendas, and both the Senate and House moving bills off their respective floors. The Legislature is “on-schedule” for a session that will last about 100 days (today is day 60), which would have adjournment sine die in mid-to-late April.

March 7, 2019

AzTA Advocacy Report

The “second half” of the 2019 Arizona legislative session is fully underway, with committee hearings this week of Senate bills in the House, and vice versa. Friday, March 29 is the final day for bills to be heard in committees in both chambers, other than the Appropriations committees or those with special permission.

February 28, 2019

AzTA Advocacy Report

This was “crossover” week in the 2019 session of the Arizona Legislature, featuring lengthy floor calendars designed to move bills out of their “house of origin.” As is customary, only the Appropriations Committees and Rules Committees in both houses met this week, with all other committees taking the week off from hearings to focus on floor action.