Weekly Legislative Reports
To track AzTA’s involvement in the most recent legislative session, view our reports below.
AzTA Advocacy Report
Today, Friday, February 22nd, marks the traditional “halfway point” of the legislative session, as this was the final week for bills to be heard in their “house of origin” (House bills in the House, and Senate bills in the Senate). This is true for bills and committees, except for the respective Appropriations committees, which have one extra week to consider bills.
AzTA Advocacy Report
The 2019 Regular Session of the Arizona Legislature is nearing its traditional “halfway point,” with Friday, February 22 being the final day for bills to have a committee hearing in their “house of origin” (House bills in the House, and Senate bills in the Senate).
AzTA Advocacy Report
Nearly 1,200 bills have been introduced so far in the 2019 Regular Session of the Arizona Legislature, with more coming between now and Monday, February 11, the final day for bills to be introduced in either house. With the passage and signing of the Drought Contingency Plan last week, work has now begun in earnest on the hundreds of other bills awaiting a committee hearing.
AzTA Advocacy Report
The 2019 Regular Session of the Arizona Legislature now has nearly 1,000 bills introduced, and more to come as filing deadlines are arriving soon in both the House and Senate. Resolution of the Arizona Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) was achieved yesterday, as both houses passed a series of bills just in time for the January 31 federal deadline for Arizona to complete its work on the DCP.
AzTA Advocacy Report
The 54th Arizona Legislature, 1st Regular Session, is in full swing, with more than 700 bills already introduced, and many more to come as filing deadlines loom in both the House and Senate. Resolution of the Arizona Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) is a major issue sure to take up a good deal of legislative time in the next week, with a January 31 federal deadline for Arizona to complete its work on the DCP.
AzTA Advocacy Report
The 54th Arizona Legislature, 1st Regular Session, officially began Monday, January 14 with Governor Doug Ducey giving his fifth State of the State address to the Legislature. Now beginning his second term in office, the Governor focused on the Legislature’s need to pass Arizona’s Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) no later than January 31, school safety, continued funding for public school education, his feeling that the State needs to continue to contribute to the “rainy day fund” to plan for future economic downturns, and a continued emphasis on reducing state regulation.
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